One of the most popular fundraising events at this time of year is the classic Easter Egg Hunt. Tried and tested, this is sure to be a hit with the younger demographic of your community.  

To help ensure you can enjoy a successful fundraising event, our experts have created a checklist for you to use leading up to the big day: 

How to Plan an Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser?

1. Organise the logistics of the Easter Fundraiser

Decide a practical date, time, and location that is manageable for most people in your community. If necessary, book a hall or outdoor space in advance. 

2. Plan the Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser in Detail

Being as organised as possible in advance can make for a much smoother experience on the day. We have created a checklist of questions that might help you better organise your Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser:

  • How long will the Easter Egg Hunt last for?
  • How long will the set-up time take before the event begins?
  • How many volunteers will you need to help host the event?
  • Will you have other activities or offerings running alongside the egg hunt, such as an arts and crafts table as an alternative activity for children, or refreshments and a seating area for accompanying adults?
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Fundraising Made Easy with GoodHub

At GoodHub, we aim to provide you with a fundraising platform that redefines what it means to give.

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3. Create Your Easter Egg Hunt Fundraising Page

Set up your fundraising page so your community can quickly, easily, and securely donate to pay their entry fee in advance.

You can also either sell tea and Easter treats separately on the event day, or to keep all donations online, charge a higher entry fee to include refreshments in the price.  

4. Keep Donations Online 

There will always be some participants who need the option to plan last minute. To make it easier for people to turn up and take part on the day without you needing to manage cash donations, utilise our donation card option and order yours in advance. Get in touch to find out more about this. 

5. Promote Your Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser

Use social media, email newsletters, and in-person meetings (if applicable) to let your community know you will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt – and remind them at least a few times leading up to your event. Be sure to communicate what exactly you are fundraising for and how donations will be spent. 

easter egg hunt fundraiser

6. Get your supplies ready

You’ll need:

  • Decorated eggs
  • Baskets
  • Prizes for the winners
  • Easter decorations for the hall or garden you’ll be hosting in
  • Refreshments
  • Tables and chairs
  • Some Easter accessories to dress up in for some extra fun
  • Art and craft supplies
  • Anything else needed for an additional or alternative activity to run alongside if you choose

It’s also always advisable to have a small first aid kit for any event where excited children might be running around – just in case! 

7. Create a schedule

Creating a timetable for exact timings on every part of your event day in advance will help your Easter Egg Hunt run in a more organised, and less stressful, way. Make sure every person helping out on the day has their own copy! 

8. Follow up with Your Community

After all your hard work, we hope you have a fantastic event and enjoy your day whilst raising money for your cause. 

Once you have closed your campaign, share your success with your community! Be sure to thank them for their participation and let them know how much you raised together, and if you hit, or exceeded, your fundraising target.

Re-iterate what you were fundraising for and how donations will be spent. This will not only leave a positive impression on your community following the event, but will also excite and motivate them for future upcoming fundraisers too. 

egg hunt fundraiser

Fundraising Made Easy with GoodHub

At GoodHub, we aim to provide you with a fundraising platform that redefines what it means to give. We’ve established a giving culture focused on genuine effect, driven by our vision, and we think that every act of generosity, no matter how little, has the capacity to create great change.

So, if you’d like to make a difference today, come join us in our mission to give better. To register your charity or non-profit, or to donate or fundraise for a worthy cause, just hop onto the GoodHub platform or get in touch with one of our friendly support team members.